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Welcome Letter from President Erin Fitzgerald
Published on Monday, 11 September, 2023

Please click on the link below to view the welcome letter from the OACAS President.

Email from Christine Riedel, PSAC to Directors of Education
Published on Monday, 11 September, 2023

Directors of Education,

District School Board Attendance Counsellors:


My name is Christine Riedel and I am pleased to be your Provincial School Attendance Counsellor (PSAC) for the 2023-24 school year. Under the direction of the Minister, the role of the PSAC is to superintend and direct the enforcement of compulsory school attendance. Pursuant to subsection 24(1) of the Education Act, the Lieutenant Governor appointed me as the PSAC on March 30, 2022.


At this time, I request your assistance in identifying the individual(s) in your board appointed as school attendance counsellor(s) for the 2023-24 school year. Subsection 25(1) of the Education Act sets out that "every board shall appoint one or more school attendance counsellors.” Notice of the appointment of a school attendance counsellor shall be given in writing by the board to the provincial school attendance counsellor and to the supervisory officers concerned in accordance with subsection 24 (4) of the Education Act.


If a board does not appoint a school attendance counsellor, the following action is required under subsection 28(2) of the Education Act: "Where a child of compulsory school age has not attended school as required and there is no school attendance counsellor, the appropriate supervisory officer shall notify the parent or guardian of the child of the requirements of section 21”.


Please submit the name(s) and contact information for your 2023-24 board attendance counsellor(s) through the link below by Friday, October 6, 2023:


Board Attendance Counsellors


Once the list has been finalized a copy will be sent via email to all those who have submitted their names. The attendance leads at the regional offices of the ministry will also receive a copy.


Enrolment Register Instructions for 2023-24:


Enrolment Register Instructions are available here. Should you require a copy with highlighted changes, please email the enrolment team at or myself at

When you have questions about information in the register instructions, please email


Ontario Association for Counselling and Attendance Services (OACAS):


OACAS is a professional organization that advocates for the educational rights, welfare, and the mental health and wellness of every child by ensuring regular school attendance. OACAS members work closely with families, school personnel, and community partners to address barriers impacting attendance. This further ensures a student’s ability to achieve personal success through ongoing educational engagement.


OACAS will be celebrating their 70th year supporting children, families, school boards and community partners in 2024. Stay tuned as further information will be made available to you about activities planned to commemorate this milestone at their annual Spring conference.  Further information about OACAS may be found on their website.


Board Interface Attendance Tool Information:


Analysis of attendance data from previous school years have shown there is clear relationship between student outcomes and the consistent attendance of students. Currently, a more refined attendance school indicators are being used to capture a complete and consistent picture of attendance data and the connection between a student, their peers, and their teacher is more important than ever.


The Board Interface Attendance Tool was introduced and made available to school boards, Spring 2021. To support the ongoing efforts of attendance counsellor(s) in school boards, it is suggested that your board attendance counsellor(s) have access to this tool. If you haven’t already done so and would like to arrange for your attendance counsellor(s), please email the name and email address of any approved users to Your board interface attendance tool can be found at:


Once you have identified your board attendance counsellor(s), please share this memo and information about the Board Interface Attendance Tool with them.


If you have any further questions regarding attendance matters, please contact me, Christine Riedel, PSAC at 416-558-9283 or by email at For data related questions, please contact Olia Kchik, Senior Manager at For questions related to the Enrolment Register Instructions, please email the Enrolment Team at


Thank you for your continued efforts as we work in partnership to improve the student experience.




Christine Riedel


Christine Riedel

Provincial School Attendance Counsellor


c Andrew Locker

Director, Field Services Branch

Ministry of Education,


Marie-Christine Lemenchick, Jeff Moser, Stephen Simard, Maureen Shave

Managers, Regional Offices, Ministry of Education,


Erin Fitzgerald

Chair, Ontario Association for Counselling and Attendance Counsellors





Destinataires: Directrices et directeurs de l’éducation 

Conseillères et conseillers en assiduité des conseils scolaires 

Madame, Monsieur, 


Je m’appelle Christine Riedel et j’ai le plaisir d’être votre conseillère provinciale en assiduité pour l’année scolaire 2023-2024. Le rôle de la conseillère ou du conseiller provincial(e) en assiduité est de surveiller et diriger, sous la direction du ministre, l’application de la règle de la fréquentation scolaire obligatoire. En vertu du paragraphe 24 (1) de la Loi sur l’éducation, la lieutenante-gouverneure m’a nommé à ce poste le 30 mars, 2022. 


Je sollicite votre appui aujourd’hui pour identifier la personne nommée conseillère ou conseiller en assiduité au sein de votre conseil. Le paragraphe 25 (1) de la Loi sur l’éducation prévoit que chaque conseil scolaire « nomme un ou plusieurs conseillers en assiduité ». Le conseil donne par écrit l’avis de nomination d’une conseillère ou d’un conseiller en assiduité au conseiller provincial en assiduité et aux agents de supervision compétents, conformément au paragraphe 24 (4) de la Loi sur l’éducation. 


Si un conseil scolaire ne nomme pas de conseillère ou de conseiller en assiduité, la mesure suivante doit être prise en vertu du paragraphe 28 (2) de la Loi sur l’éducation : « Si un enfant qui a atteint l’âge de la scolarité obligatoire ne fréquente pas l’école comme il le doit et qu’aucune conseillère ou conseiller en assiduité n’a compétence dans son cas, l’agent de supervision compétent avise le père, la mère ou le tuteur de l’enfant des exigences de l’article 21. » 


Lorsque votre conseil aura désigné sa conseillère ou son conseiller en assiduité, veuillez svp communiquer le(s) nom(s) et les coordonnées de cette (ces) personne(s) par l’entremise du lien suivant au plus tard le vendredi 6 octobre 2023: 


Conseillère ou conseiller en assiduité au sein de votre conseil 


Une fois la liste finalisée, une copie sera envoyée par courrier électronique à tous ceux qui ont soumis leur nom. Les responsables de l'assiduité des bureaux régionaux du ministère en recevront également une copie. 


Instructions pour le relevé des effectifs 2023‑2024: 


Les instructions pour le relevé des effectifs sont disponibles ici. Si vous avez besoin d'une copie avec des changements surlignés, veuillez envoyer un courriel à l'équipe des effectifs et de l’admission à ou à moi-même à 


Si vous avez des questions sur les informations contenues dans les instructions pour le relevé des effectifs, veuillez envoyer un courriel à


L'Association ontarienne des services d’assiduité et de conseil (L’OACAS): 


L'OACAS est une organisation professionnelle qui défend les droits à l'éducation, la santé mentale et le bien-être de chaque enfant en assurant une fréquentation scolaire régulière. Les membres de l'OACAS travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les familles, le personnel scolaire et les partenaires communautaires pour surmonter les obstacles à l'assiduité. Cela permet d'assurer la capacité de l'élève à réussir sur le plan personnel grâce à un engagement éducatif continu. 


En 2024, l'OACAS célébrera sa 70e année de soutien aux enfants, aux familles, aux conseils scolaires et aux partenaires communautaires. Restez à l'écoute, car de plus amples informations vous seront communiquées sur les activités prévues pour commémorer ce jalon lors de leur conférence annuelle de printemps.  De plus amples informations sur l'OACAS sont disponibles sur son site web. 


Informations sur l’Outil de l’assiduité scolaire: 


Une analyse des données sur l’assiduité des années scolaires précédentes montre qu’il y a un lien évident entre les résultats des élèves et leur présence constante.  Actuellement, des indicateurs plus affinés sur l’assiduité sont utilisés afin de dresser un portrait plus complet et plus constant quant aux données d’assiduité et le lien entre un élève, ses pairs et son enseignante ou son enseignant est plus important que jamais. 


L’Outil de l’assiduité scolaire des conseils fut introduit et mis à la disposition des conseils scolaires au printemps 2021.  Afin d’appuyer les efforts des conseillères et des conseillers en assiduité dans les conseils scolaires, il est recommandé que votre conseillère ou votre conseiller d’assiduité ait accès à l’outil.  Si ce n’est déjà fait et que vous voudriez organiser l’accès pour votre conseillère ou votre conseiller, veuillez svp faire parvenir le nom et l’adresse courriel de toute utilisatrice ou de tout utilisateur autorisé(e) à  L’Outil de l’assiduité scolaire pour votre conseil est disponible à 


Lorsque vous aurez identifié les conseillères et conseillers d’assiduité pour votre conseil, veuillez svp leur partager cette communication et l’information concernant l’Outil de l’assiduité scolaire des conseils.  


Nous vous remercions de vos efforts soutenus dans le cadre de notre partenariat visant à améliorer l’expérience des élèves. Si vous ou votre conseillère ou conseiller en assiduité avez des questions supplémentaires concernant l’assiduité, veuillez svp communiquer avec moi au 416 558-9283 ou par courriel à  Pour toutes questions concernant les données, veuillez svp communiquer avec Olia Kchik, cadre supérieur à 




La conseillère provinciale en assiduité, 


Christine Riedel 



c. c Andrew Locker 

Directeur, Direction des services régionaux 

Ministère de l'Éducation, 


Marie-Christine Lemenchick, Jeff Moser, Stephen Simard, Maureen Shave 

Chefs des bureaux régionaux, 

Ministère de l'Éducation 


Erin Fitzgerald 

Chef de l’Association ontarienne des services d’assiduité et de counselling 




Christine Riedel

Provincial Schools Attendance Counsellor

Field Services Branch

Ministry of Education

315 Front Street West, 12th Floor

Toronto, ON




Notice of Confidentiality:
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review re-transmission dissemination or other use of or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error please contact the sender immediately by return electronic transmission and then immediately delete this transmission including all attachments without copying distributing or disclosing content.




This e-mail and any attachments are for the sole use of District School Board Ontario North East and may contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.

2023-2024 Enrolment Register
Published on Monday, 28 August, 2023


Conference Itinerary
Published on Monday, 1 May, 2023

 Click below to see the conference itinerary. 

School Phobia Training Course
Published on Thursday, 23 February, 2023

YMHC Announces School Phobia Training Course for Educators and Mental Health Professionals


The Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC) is pleased to announce the upcoming School Phobia Training Course for educators and mental health professionals. The course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to support young people struggling with school phobia, avoidance, and absence. The program will focus on building mental wellness protective factors, creating proactive and preventative approaches to support young people with school phobia disabilities, and developing needs-based educational models.


The course will cover a range of topics, including the prevalence and impact of school phobia, risk factors for negative outcomes associated with absence from school, and evidence-based interventions for supporting students with school phobia. Participants will engage in meaningful assignments throughout the 12-hour course, enabling them to apply their learning in real-world situations. Successful completion of the course requirements will result in a certificate of completion, which can be used to demonstrate professional development and training.


In addition to instructional content, participants will receive a photocopiable guidebook on supporting students with school phobia, serving as a valuable resource for educators and mental health professionals in supporting students with school phobia. The course will be held on Saturdays from 1 pm to 3 pm EST, starting April 1 and ending May 6, via Zoom, with audio and camera requirements.


Enrollment in the course is limited to 15 participants to ensure a high level of engagement and interaction. The cost of the course is $750 per person, and we encourage participants to register early to secure their spot. Completion of all assignments is required to successfully complete the course.


YMHC's School Phobia Training Course is a comprehensive and essential professional development opportunity for educators and mental health professionals committed to supporting young people with mental health disabilities. Through this course, participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive difference in the lives of students struggling with school phobia. 


To apply for the course, please visit the link on the course website We look forward to working with you and helping you make a positive impact on the lives of the young people you serve.


About the trainer:

The trainer of this course is Sheryl Boswell, an educator who has taught elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and adult education in Canada and Africa. Sheryl is the Executive Director of Youth Mental Health Canada, a registered charitable nonprofit organization. She is a child and youth mental health expert and has worked in the field for many years. Through Sheryls work, she has contributed to a provincial and national change in education to support students with mental health disabilities. As an educator, she knows that tools for wellness need to be accessible to all young people and their families. These tools include the five mental wellness workbooks and one guidebook on supporting students with school phobia she has written. Sheryl is a member of several international organizations including the International Association of Youth Mental Health and the International Network for School Attendance and has presented workshops on school phobia across Canada and internationally.

YMHC has been conducting international research in this area for over ten years. We published our school phobia survey findings from 2019 to 2021 in 2022 on our school phobia website:


Radio Interview with Attendance Counsellor Michelle Edmond
Published on Thursday, 23 February, 2023

Toronto Star Article- School Avoidance Tied to Mental Health
Published on Thursday, 23 February, 2023

OACAS Conference Flyer- Connect & Collaborate
Published on Monday, 6 February, 2023

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